An event’s true energy and vibe is challenging to portray in an image. You need to feel that energy, not just see the activities occurring. Regardless of the frequency of the production, annually, every decade or just one, an event is a once-in-a-lifetime happening. It can never be reclaimed. Once the moment passes, it is gone forever. Knowing this whole-heartedly, as a photographer in New York, Ms. Topchii has focused her work on being able to perceive that energy. She will convey each moment in images that take you right to those moments as if you were experiencing them in real-time each time you gaze at the photo. Ms. Topchii has experience with event photography ranging from bustling concerts to professional corporate cocktail parties and conventions. She knows how to feel the vibe that the attendees experience and how to convey their emotions in beautifully taken photos. Whether you flip through a photo book or scroll on your screen, you will be certain that your event’s memories will be treasured for years to come. Host your event with the peace of mind that your photos will be taken perfectly. Ms. Topchii gives your photos life.